Montag, 8. September 2014

Audio book sample!

Well, it's on the verge of popping up on Amazon, (ooer, sounds a bit rude!), and I don't mind telling you that I'm so excited about it, I'm fit to explode. (OO-ER!!!)

The audio book for The Division of the Damned is now being finished off, (ooer) and packaged into a tight little pressy that'll have your whole family squirming in fear and delight when you give it to them at Christmas. (I hope you noted the omission of any "innuendo-exclamation" there. Even I have some morals, as hard as they may be to discern).

Have a listen here, then mentally make a note to buy it for everyone; because nobody should be starved of the joy of Nazi vampires just because they can't read. 

Right kids?

Right Reg. Now they can listen in to the gore :)

Right, as you were.

4 Kommentare:

Mike Church hat gesagt…

Sounds great, Reggie, and very much looking forward to this. You are rightly excited!

Mike Church hat gesagt…

Sounds great, Reggie, and very much looking forward to this. You are rightly excited

R.R.Jones hat gesagt…

Ooh, a message sent twice is twice the message!! :D

R.R.Jones hat gesagt…

Cheers Mike ;)