Firstly, a quick, "Job Well Done" sticker to Tee for her excellent interview with Jenny Smedley for the Struggling Authors website.
What a nice lady she is, (Jenny I mean).
Well, Tee's nice too but we all know that. Anyway, you can catch it here at:
for the writing side of things.
The full interview, which gets a tad more personal, can be read here:
So feel free to have a browse.
And that's it really.
I have no news other than my short story will be in issue 9 of House of Horror, which is MONTHS away as they're only on issue 3 at the moment.
I'm busy rewriting my Vampire of Sparta novelette as well.
A friend of mine, Coral King, works as an editor for her own magazine and has offered to view my work with an eye to publishing it.
Obviously I can't trade on our friendship and dole out any old dross expecting it be published, so I'm polishing it up and hoping that it will do. 10,000 words of Ancient Grecian bloodsucking, you have to admit, it does sound interesting doesn't it?
Anyway, that's that, Dear Reader.
Have a great weekend.
Reg :-)
4 Kommentare:
I'm wearing my "job well done" sticker with pride Reg. Lovely blog many thanks.
back to work and the decorating still not finished. So many interuptions. Hopefully done by crimbo.
"Hopefully done by crimbo."
LOL Tee, I've been saying that to my Missus for years now.
Nice blogging.
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